Julio Lugon
A Finite Sound
Medium project
Philosophers Drinking Water
Aristotle´s Jungle
Radio Jurassic
Comoauto (Notes on a development in Stop-motion)
Aldi Love Song
Retòriques Urbanes
La Jungla de Aristóteles #3
Palmera sobre Colom
Fiesta del Sol
Nylon Polycephalum (elephant meditations)

installation and performance at LOCALIZE Potsdam
Festival für Stadt, Kultur und Kunst - - „Center Shock“
17. Sep – 17. Okt 2020

A strange being with many heads and yellow in color inflates and deflates making alarming sounds only to later fall to the ground and let us hear the friction of its parts taking a break without knowing when the incessant cycle will start again with its unexpected sonic rhythms. The center of this polycephalum (many heads) artificial organism is precisely covering its entire body.
First concept proposal for Nylon Polycephalum >click here<<
Acousmatic Music and Loudspeaker Orchestras
Pira Lemu
A Sonic Mirage
The Lair Guardian
Ritmos de Planta
Photos: sevens[+]maltry, LOCALIZE Festival 2020
W h a t e v e r F l o a t s Y o u r B o a t

Elephant Meditations
Media Magia
para que haya valido la pena